Yes, it's that time of the year again -- BlizzCon, the annual convention for fans of the Diablo, Starcraft, and Warcraft mega-franchises. You might come here to watch the best gamers in the world compete in head-to-head competition, or to be the first to learn about major new releases. Us, we mainly came for the costumes. Check out our photo gallery of wild, wacky, and Warcrafty fan plumage.
This hoofed, horned Draenei stands watch beneath a Blizzcon banner, and impresses all passerby with her ability to walk on what are essentially 12-inch platform heels.
This guy appears to be a Night Elf druid, although he didn't spring for the purple face paint, so we can't give him full points for his costume. Nice hair, though.
There's no lack of purple makeup this time around, but clearly the centerpiece of this Night Elf Hunter's costume is that ginormous longbow, which appears to be taller than its wielder.
The parade of elves continues. Aside from sporting more feathers than anyone since Bjork, this fan demonstrates that shoulderpads are in again.
This fan's made up as a Forsaken -- basically, a race of undead zombies who possess free will, fierce independence, and crippling dentist bills.
What appears to be the offspring of a Night Elf and the Hindu goddess Shiva is actually, we think, a demon of some sort. We'd welcome more knowledgeable fans to set the record straight in our Comments. Either way, nice costume!
This fan's made up to look like a Pandaren Brewmaster -- a noble warrior in the form of a humanoid panda bear, who carries a keg around with him.
At a guess, this two-fisted fighter appears to be a Blood Elf Rogue.
This appears to be a Blood Elf Warlock accompanied by her demonic pet. If you're wondering what's the difference between Blood Elves and Night Elves, by the way, here's the short version: Blood Elves are white and evil, while Night Elves are purple and good.
A Death Knight in full regalia. The contact lenses are an especially nice touch.
This dazzling ensemble is none other than the Mistress of Pain from the Diablo series. The costume walked away with first prize, and we'd call it well-earned.
We close our pictorial with this lovely fan dressed up to look like High Inquisitor Sally Whitemane of the Scarlet Crusade.
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